Friday 31 January 2014

Cat’s Prayer (Week 5)

Steeped in silence
At six in the morning
Across bright lights
From a nearby field,

Seagulls land on the ground
Before leaping into the air
In a circular pattern
Leaving nothing but
Feathers on the mist

And the tapping of my paw
On the window.

(Week 5's prompt was Choose an animal. Observe it as closely as possible in the wild or a zoo or aviary. Then become it. See it and live it. Look at it, touch it, smell it, listen to it, turn yourself to it. This poem is about our younger cat and a eventful Saturday morning crying at the window to the local birds)

Friday 24 January 2014

The 7.39 (Week 4)

Draining each drop
Her mood didn’t improve
Sucking up the air
Each time she looked up

Spiralling inside out
Across the wind
At all that
Passed by

Severed with a
Thread crawling
Slightly behind it
In a deep frustration

Merging with anger
That he’d smiled
At somebody else

That morning.

(Week 4 was about writing an invitation. While writing this, I ended up watching a tv programme called the 7.39 (picture above) which me and my other half both really enjoyed and these words kinda came from that)

Thursday 16 January 2014

Wrestling in Darkness (Week 3)

Low cloud leaves a trail
Over damp wet mist
Circular in the light

Beaten into silence
Over the top of
A celestial choir

Ripped over the bridge
Catching on the surface
Of creation

Wrestling in darkness
Like Frankenstein’s Monster

Constantly rebuilding itself.

(Week 3 asked for 'You need a full length mirror and a room with a lock. Now – get your kit off. Look at yourself, slowly and solemnly. Don’t just imagine it – do it. Your subject is your own body. If this unsettles you, stick with it. Have a go. This poem looked at it from a slightly different in the sense of constantly rebuilding yourself)

Thursday 9 January 2014

The Way Out (Week 2)

Words gobbed around
The middle of a woodland
Nestled in a portal
Of forgotten bed stories

Half opened at dusk
Bent yellow in static
Kicking leaves onto rocks
Stung in maddened tongues

Crying for a way out
In broken poetry.

(Week 2 asked for a un-usual journey. Mine ended up been about a journey where I got lost in a forest some years back). 

Thursday 2 January 2014

New Leaf (Week 1)

Cast out across the broken chimes
Of your watch
At the birth of the new year
The wind is almost motionless,

Stretched out across the orchard
Leading to the wall
Circular cut in half
Almost kissing tongues
With the drunken snow,

Begging across the deserted chapel

Turning a new leaf
Away from the darkness.

(Week 1 asked for This week our idea, our theme, our suggestion is - how to approach a year or turn over a new year. My idea looked at it giving nature a voice of a new start at the beginning of the new year). 

Wednesday 1 January 2014

52 Poetry (Introduction)

This is a response blog to Jo Bell’s blog
Where over a series of a year (Yes, a whole year) Poets are given prompts on a weekly basis to write a poem each week.

I have done something similar in both 2012 and 2013 for Napwrimo where I had to write a poem a day, so henceforth why I took up this challenge.


Andy N